About Prism Investments

What we do
Prism Investments provides asset allocation, fund selection and associated services to professional clients.
We embrace the index tracker principle to keep costs low for clients, and we invest as widely as possible to benefit from diversification of asset classes and markets.
Together with Aegon, we have launched a range of pension funds to cater for all types of pension investors – the Aegon Prism Multi-Asset fund range.

These reflect the different attitudes people have when it comes to how much risk they are prepared to take with their pension investments:
  • Our lowest risk pension funds are invested in a range of UK and overseas government and corporate bonds as well as some cash holdings.
  • Our highest risk pension funds are invested in a range of global equities and contain little or no bond or cash holdings.
Our other pension funds fall between these two extremes.
This website is intended for investment professionals and should not be relied upon by private investors or any other persons. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise, is not guaranteed and clients may get back less than they invest.
Prism Investments Limited is an appointed representative of Harbour Rock Capital Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. 754580. Registered Offices: Affinity House, Beaufort Court, Sir Thomas Longley Road, Rochester, Kent, ME2 4FD.

© 2024 Prism Investments Limited. All right reserved.